My Story
It all started at the age of 12 where I would know things before they happened, I could sense spirits and had a deep knowing whether someone was okay or not. I remember my third eye activating whilst sitting in bed thinking I was Harry Potter, it was the only thing I could compare it to!
As I grew older, my psychic ability started to develop. I could astral project, speak to those who had crossed over into the spirit world and receive messages for people on a daily basis. This was my spiritual awakening, and oh my, it was a hectic and hard journey. I had this extra sense where I had to learn how to use it.
There wasn't any content like we have in new age spirituality, or people who I could learn from. It was a solo road I had to embark on, commit to trusting my intuition and to be guided. At the age of 18, I started psychic readings for people, mainly connecting to the spirit world and this progressed into hands-on-healing where I could see into people's bodies on the spiritual plane to know what to work on.
I became curious about people's bodies and what we hold inside that led me down the path of exploring reiki. I would sense pulsating energy in my hands wondering what to do with this. Through my reiki journey, I was guided to explore people's bodies more by working with the emotion that was stored. Combining these two elements brought great shifts for clients where I found this healing modality to really move people's forwards.
This curiosity drew me to training in sacred somatic journeys. After having one session I signed up to the training because it was everything that I was looking for. My personal healing journey deepened through this time, but I was amazed at how much I was drawing into my life after clearing parts of my body.
So this is where I am today, I worked with people's bodies intuitively, I hold space for people's healing journeys and use my psychic toolkit to channel for people's soul journeys and discovery. Throughout this journey, I have had my own personal healing processes to enable me to understand the healing modality I want to provide but also to give that time for myself, which in my eyes, makes you a better practitioner. We are all human.
In my 16 year journey, I tend to work with people who are already on their spiritual path or about to start, there's a calling. A spiritual path in my eyes is someone who is ready to connect with their soul, do the work, because they know in their felt sense there is something more for them. My sessions are intuitive and hold a connected space where people can show up as themselves, feel heard and become their own guide.
​​​​​My qualifications:
- Reiki Level 2
- Transpersonal Therapy CPD
- Sacred Somatic Journeys Practitioner
- TA 101 Introduction to Transactional Analysis
- Psychic work - my own journey - there's no school for this one
​IPHM Accredited Practitioner
Get in touch to connect for press, event bookings, or for information about my services